Affordable Car Insurance for Teens
There are several ways to go when you’re looking to purchase auto insurance for your teen-aged driver. You could search for an individual policy, but that will cost you a lot more than if you simply added your teen to an existing family policy. The cost of an individual policy might be 20% or even 25% more than it will cost to include your youthful driver on the family policy.
Of course, there is a bit of good news associated with buying a policy for your teen, and this is that with each successive year that your teen drives without being in an accident or getting ticketed, those premiums will begin to decrease and become more reasonable. There’s a lot of responsibility associated with becoming a new driver, and teens are generally at the point in their lives where they’re learning all about responsibility.
This means that buying coverage and driving a car regularly will certainly help drive the point home, and contribute to your child’s development into adulthood. Here are some of the most important things you should be looking for when you’re ready to purchase auto coverage in the state of Florida for your teen-aged driver.
Florida Insurance Requirements For Teens
How Does it Affect Your Insurance Costs?
One of the reasons we can offer such affordable auto policy rates is that we work with a huge network of carriers, so we can consult with all of them when searching for a suitable policy for your teen. We can often find a carrier for your teenage driver, even if your teen has a poor driving record, or if your credit history is not particularly good, and even if you’re having difficulty affording a policy.
We may be able to obtain certain discounts for your teen if they have a good driving record, or if they have an outstanding student record. Whatever it takes, we will search our entire database of carriers to find the right policy for your teen, at the most affordable rates possible.
Almost anything other than damage from an auto accident is covered by comprehensive. Another fairly important option you might want to consider for your teen is coverage for uninsured motorists. There is a considerable percentage of American drivers who operate their motor vehicles without adequate coverage, and if you happen to be involved in an accident with one of these, you’re probably out of luck.
However, if you have uninsured motorist protection, your expenses will still be covered even if the other driver has no policy whatsoever. This is especially important in the state of Florida, because there is no state in the union which has a higher percentage of uninsured motorists. If you can afford these extra coverages, it will undoubtedly be well worth it for your child.
However, if that’s simply not in your budget, we can certainly find a policy for your teenage driver which includes the bare-bones options, and which will cost you the lowest monthly premium. Keep in mind that any motor vehicle which is registered in the state of Florida is obliged to have continuous coverage, even if the vehicle is not being operated.
You will have to purchase that policy from a carrier which is licensed to do business in the state of Florida, and we can ensure that all carriers we work with are properly licensed. All you have to do is tell us what your insurance requirements are, and let us do everything else.
Affordable Insurance Options for Teens
At Affordable Car Insurance Tampa, we understand how difficult it is these days to manage a household budget and to pay for car coverage for your young drivers. That’s why we explore every option when you let us know your specific needs with regard to insurance. With the ever-rising cost of policies, it’s hard to find coverage that will protect your teen driver adequately, without costing an arm and a leg. Contact us today so we can work with you to get your youthful driver the right policy while maintaining your monthly budget.