You don’t want to pay any more than you need to for car insurance. It’s expensive enough. Maybe your recent car insurance rate increase has now prompted you to look for better deals. It’s possible for most car owners to lower their rates. Here are 12 things from Affordable Car Insurance Tampa that can decrease the amount you pay for car insurance.
- Multiple Cars: If there’s more than just one car in your family, most insurance companies will lower your premiums for you. Multi-car families translate into increased business for insurance companies. Although you might be worried about your teenage driver, even a good student discount might be available.
- A High Deductible: Many people don’t realize it, but they can exercise some control over their deductible by increasing it. A low deductible can cause a car insurance rate to increase. Maybe your deductible is $250 or $500. Increasing your deductible to $1,000 will likely help to lower your rate.
- A Bad Driving Record: Why are car insurance rates going up? They might be increasing because of your driving record. Drivers with clean records typically save money. They’re far less of a risk for an insurer.
- Not taking a Safe Driving Class: If you were found guilty of speeding, or you caused an accident recently, you don’t need to wait three years or more for your driving record to clear up. Voluntarily completing a safe driving class often lowers premiums. Some insurers even offer their own online safe driving programs.
- A Low Credit Score: A credit check might be a part of evaluating your risk to an insurance company. Higher credit scores mean lower car insurance premiums. That’s because higher credit scores reflect sound judgment. Pay bills on time every month and get a copy of your credit report. There might be erroneous entries in it.
- The Daily Commute: Not spending 2 hours a day on the road traveling to and from work can qualify you for a low mileage discount. Just driving 10 minutes to a train station and leaving your car there might also give you this break.:
- Not Keep it in the Garage: Some insurers will lower the cost of your premiums if you have a garage and keep your car in it rather than parking in your driveway or even out on the street. Parking in the garage reduces the chances of your car being stolen or being damaged.
- Not Reviewing Your Existing Policy: If you’ve had the same insurance coverage for five years and the same car for seven years, it might be in your best interests to lower your collision and comprehensive coverage. As your car depreciates over time, it might be overvalued on your insurance. A decreased value can result in decreased premiums.
- Not Bundling Policies: It doesn’t really matter whether you own your home or rent it. For purposes of lowering your car insurance, you can save money on your premiums if you bundle your homeowners or renters insurance with the same company that insures your car.
- Buying Through a Company Agent and Not an Independent Agent: A quote that you receive from an independent agent could seal a deal for you. Some agencies have the same name of the sole insurance company that they’ll sell for. Then, there are independent agents who offer policies from several different companies. You’ll likely save a significant sum of money with an independent agent.
- Not Comparing Insurance Costs Before You Buy: Regardless of whether it’s a new car or a used car, check on the cost to insure it. Premium determinations are based in part on the price of a car, repair costs, its safety record, and the risk of theft.
- Keeping Coverage That Isn’t Needed: Although an older car might run well, your annual premium cost might be more than what your insurer might pay for it if it was a total loss. Check on your car’s current value compared to what you’re paying for full coverage.
We’re committed to getting our customers car insurance at the lowest price possible. That’s why we focus on cheap car insurance for drivers with bad credit, bad driving records, new drivers and students. Get the coverage you need at an affordable rate by contacting us today. It only takes a few short minutes to get the best quote.