Cheap car insurance can be hard to find and very expensive for someone with a bad driving record. Your driving record is essential to insurance companies as they use it to analyze the risk associated with issuing you a policy. Basically, if you have a bad driving record, it means you have to pay higher […]
Why Does My Car Insurance Keep Going Up?
Every year, your car insurance policy keeps going up. What is it? Inflation? Your driving? Your vehicle? Car insurance is pretty complicated — it could really be a number of factors. Your car insurance could be going up for a major reason or just a lot of tiny ones. Let’s take a look at what […]
How to Find the Best Car Insurance for Young Adults
Finding the best car insurance for young adults can be a challenge. Insurance companies consider many factors when setting rates, and young drivers often face higher premiums than experienced drivers. It may feel unfair, but young adults are the most likely to get into an accident — they aren’t familiar with driving and sometimes engage […]
Can You Get Car Insurance Without a License?
If you’re wondering whether you can get cheap car insurance without a license, the short answer is no. But there are some exceptions. In most states, you need a license to get car insurance because it’s the law. However, even if it weren’t required by law, car insurance companies would still require it. So, if […]
Does Bad Credit Affect Auto Insurance?
If you’re one of the many drivers with bad credit, you might wonder how to get affordable bad credit auto insurance. Your credit score can have a big impact on your insurance rates, but there are some steps you can take to get cheap auto insurance for bad credit. In this blog post, Affordable Car Insurance […]