Making a big move means a lot of loose ends to tie up, from packing and downsizing to setting up your new home—and changing your car insurance. Yes, your car insurance changes when moving out of state. Many states have different rules, whether that’s the minimum amount of insurance or the specific types of coverage required. When you move to another state, it’s important to call your car insurance company and let them know. Here are some tips about what to do when moving states and changing insurance.
Switching car insurance after a move
When you move to a new state, research the rules about how long you have to switch your insurance. Generally, you’ll need to do so within 30 to 90 days. In Florida, it’s illegal to drive without insurance, so make sure you get a new policy before you cancel your old one. You may decide to purchase a new policy from the same company, or you may prefer to switch insurers—whichever you decide, just make sure that you have coverage.
To change your car insurance, first pull together all of the relevant documents, such as your car’s license and registration, current policy and more. Keep these documents packed separately, so you can access them as soon as you move to your new state.
Next, call your current insurance company and inform them of the move. Ask them what kind of policies they offer in your new state, and ask for a quote. If you decide that you’d like to switch insurers, you’ll need to get quotes from other providers as well. You can do this after you move, while you’re waiting for your new vehicle registration.
Changing your vehicle registration
When you move states, you’ll also have to change your vehicle’s registration. This can take up to a month. First, you’ll need to visit the DMV and get a new driver’s license. You’ll also fill out the vehicle registration form, and pay any fees to register your vehicle. It’s important to change your vehicle registration, since it needs to match the address of your new home. When the registration arrives, keep a copy in your vehicle and switch out your license plates.
Addressing these issues will ensure that your move is easy and smooth—at least when it comes to transferring insurance and changing your vehicle’s registration. For more tips on what to do when moving states and changing insurance, it’s always worth talking to your insurance agent. They may have additional insight that can help you make the change easily.
When you’re looking for car insurance in Florida, get in touch with the team at Affordable Car Insurance Tampa. We specialize in finding the best rates, even if you’re a teenage driver, have a bad driving record or have poor credit. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services, get a quote or sign up for a new policy. We’ll get you back out on the road in no time.