Can I Do My Own Repairs After Filing a Claim?

If you’ve recently been involved in an auto accident, you may be wondering if you can make your own repairs to the vehicle rather than having them done by a professional. There are a lot of insurance issues here to consider—if the insurer is going to pay for the repairs, they’ll want to make sure […]

Get Low-Cost Car Insurance for College Students

As any parent with a child in college will tell you, there’s a ton of planning that goes into sending a student off to school. Even after choosing the perfect university, parents and students have a lot to do before the first day of classes. One thing that can’t get lost in the shuffle, though, […]

How Has COVID-19 Affected the Auto Industry?

From how we work to how we shop at the grocery store, the coronavirus has impacted every facet of our daily lives. One thing many people look past is how it’s affected manufacturing, particularly regarding automobiles. This post will cover everything you need to know about the automotive industry during the pandemic in Tampa, FL: […]

What Is Property Damage Liability?

Your car insurance is required to include some property damage liability coverage—and if you’re involved in an accident, you’ll be glad you have it. This type of insurance covers damage to other cars, valuables or property. Depending on your policy, it may cover damage if someone else is driving your car at the time of […]

The Importance of Having Health Insurance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health insurance coverage is always important in Tampa, FL, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more so. Those who are social distancing, washing their hands, disinfecting surfaces and wearing masks have a significantly lower infection rate than those who don’t take the precautions. However, since the virus is highly transmissible—that is, it spreads […]